The Art of John Gage
John M. Gage is a self-taught digital artist living near San Diego, California. John worked as an educator, starting the first K-12 Charter School in Oceanside, California while pursuing an interest in art as an avocation. When John retired from education he was able to develop considerably more time to his love of art and the images on this web site reflect his various styles and interests. John also is a Zen Buddhist Priest and a teacher at the Vista Zen Center.
The images on this site are currently divided into three categories with other categories to be added later. You will find contemporary abstract images that reflect John’s contemplative explorations as well as motorcycle images that express his passion for the faster side of life. Between these two worlds John explores the broad range of dynamic emotional and spiritual contrasts each one of us experiences in his portraits of friends, acquaintances, and those strange and unusual creatures inhabiting various imaginary realms. Future additions to this site will present images reflecting his love of music, both in its creation by various musical artists, and in the emotions evoked by different types of music.
John’s work has been on display in a number of galleries and juried shows from California to Washington. Many people throughout the United States have purchased his work and he continues to devote his time to new ways of visually presenting his unique views of life.